NCN Family & Community Wellness Centre, NNCEA , NCN Parks & Rec and NCN Chief & Council Present:
Get involved this summer with a variety of different evening sports! All participants will accumulate points throughout the summer to win cash prizes and other NCN gear!
All Participants will also receive free NCN gear such as T-Shirts, Sweaters, hats, and more!
- Players must arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the start of their age category to participate.
- If there are not enough players to field the event, those who showed up can play with a reduced number of players.
- Teams will be picked before the game to be fair and ensure that all participants can contribute. Teams will be mixed with males and females; the goal is to have people participate.
- Any participate under the influence or who has any unauthorized substances will be asked to leave.
- Any participant who does not exhibit fair play, is violent towards officials or players will be removed for all programs.
- The officials make the final call, participants should not try to persuade officials or question calls.
- All games will start and conclude at their designated times.
- If there is a surplus of players substitutes will need to be rotated in
- The officials of each program will determine the final outcome/decision on any calls.
- Fair play must be practiced by all participants.
- Abuse of officials/facilitators will not be tolerated.
- Gang activity or violence will not be tolerated
Come compete this summer with your community!
Individual based points system
Point lay out: Each participant will receive points for the following categories.
Category | Number of points |
Show up and participate | 5 points |
Excellent sportsmanship | 5 points |
Help set up | 3 points |
Help clean up | 3 points |
Encourage others | 3 points |
Be a team player | 3 points |
Exceptional playmaker (IE: a player has an exceptional goal) |
5 points |
Top passer of the game | 3 points |
Penalty layout (subtracted from your points)
Category | Subtraction of points |
Physical altercation | -10 points |
Swearing or verbal abuse of officials and other players | -10 points |
Point leaders will be publicized each week to show a continuous leader board!
Age Category | 1st place | 2nd place | 3rd place | 4th place | 5th place | 6th place |
11-13 | $500 | 400 | 300 | 200 | 100 | 50 |
14-17 | $1,000 | 750 | 500 | 250 | 150 | 100 |
18+ | $1,000 | 750 | 500 | 250 | 150 | 100 |

Rules for Each Sport:
Basketball |
Baseball |
Soccer |
Floor Hockey |
Volleyball |
Football |