~ Our Mission ~
An Investment for Success
~ Our Vision ~
A Step Toward Self Sufficiency
About the Nisichawayasihk Taskinigahp Trust Office

Nisichawayasihk Taskinigahp Trust Office Coordinator: Alvin Yetman (Phone: 204-484-2604)
The Nisichawayasihk Taskinigahp Trust Office (formerly Nisichawayasihk Trust Office) consists of two trusts, The Taskinigahp Trust and the The Nisichawayasihk Trust. The Trust Office was created in March 1996 as part of Nelson House First Nation NFA Implementation Agreement between Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation (NCN), Government of Canada, the Province of Manitoba and Manitoba Hydro.
The Trust Office administers and allocates funds to support a variety of community projects and programs annually. Each year proposals are received from variety of NCN entities and individuals who are primarily responsible to provide services to NCN members. It also manages the operation of the Claims Program NCN Achimowin Radio Station 98.1 FM.
Solid Economic Success Built from Two Major Trusts
The Taskinigahp Trust
The Trust created in conjunction with the Wuskwatim Project provides for a Community Involvement Process abbreviated as CIP to decide how the funds available will be spent for maximum benefits of the community. Both trusts allocate funds every year to support a variety of community projects and programs. Funding applications are reviewed and discussed at one or more public information meetings to determine their consistency with the established criteria of the Trusts, and long term NCN priorities.
The Taskinigahp Trust was established as part of the PDA to hold various Moneys derived from the Wuskwatim Generation Project including Adverse Effects Proceeds, Transmission Development Fund payments, TPC profits and dividends and dividend loans. The trust contains different accounts and funds including: Transmission Development Fund, Seven Generations Account, Seven Generation Growth Account, Resource Account, Resource Growth Account and the Community Development Account. Chief and Council have delegated the Trust Office to administer the trust and conduct the Community Involvement Process that is held jointly with the Nisichawayasihk Trust Community Approval Process.
See the Where Three Rivers Meet Video that explains the Wuskwatim hydroelectric project and joint partnerships that helped create economic opportunities and Taskinigahp Trust for the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation.
The Nisichawayasihk Trust
The Nisichawayasihk Trust was created in March 1996 as part of Nelson House First Nation NFA Implementation Agreement between Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation, Government of Canada, the Province of Manitoba and Manitoba Hydro.
As part of 1996 NFA agreement, NCN received about $64.9 million in compensation for damages caused by Churchill River Diversion (a project of Manitoba Hydro). From profits earned, Nisichawayasihk Trust allocates funds to support a variety of community projects and programs annually. Each year proposals are received from variety of NCN entities and individuals who are primarily responsible to provide services to NCN members. Funding applications for Nisichawayasihk Trust involve a process called “Community Approval Process” abbreviated as CAP are reviewed and discussed at a series of meetings in which Trustees evaluate each proposal based on established criteria for allocation of Trust moneys.
Consideration is given to projects that create, sustain and improve community infrastructure and/or address community’s social, cultural, educational, economical and physical needs. Projects must have an impact on job creation within the community.