Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation has taken extensive steps in working towards long-term and sustainable housing with due consideration to land, infrastructure, population, and financial factors.
In 2015, Chief and Council established strategic targets for Housing and Infrastructure as a means of achieving a high standard of living for NCN Citizens. Further to this, the Chief and Council commissioned the development of the Community Master Plan in 2018, which provides Road Map for Community Development.
Over the past two years, NCN Chief and Council have initiated the implementation of the Land Code to support Home Ownership, initiated plans for surveying of community lots and have secured government funding to build a new Water Treatment Plant to sustain ongoing community development. These steps have set the foundation for NCN to achieve a goal of 250 homes in 5 Years.
Achieving this goal will require extensive collaboration amongst all government departments including Lands, Environment, and Resources (LER), NCN Housing Authority, ATEC, Pewapun, O.K. School, NNOC, Public Works, Parks & Recreation, and the Government Administration. It will also require accessing support and resources from external partners and initiatives such as CMHC and First Nations Market Housing Fund.
Through research, community discussions, and Housing Forums, the NCN Chief and Council have clearly defined the need and priority for housing in NCN. It remains a top priority for the current leadership. This Housing Strategy presents a high-level approach of how we will work together to take action.
Together, we will assert our sovereignty by taking responsibility to provide safe and secure homes for all NCN Citizens to live in peace and with dignity.