Nisichawayasihk Youth and Elders Program
The Nisichawayasihk Youth and Elders Program operated by the NCN Government office works to create collaboration between youth and Elders within the community. This mutually beneficial program allows the youth to gain self-esteem, respect for others, life skills and traditional knowledge. The elders receive companionship, intellectual stimulation and the chance to feel an increased sense of purpose, while sharing time-honoured skills or teachings. Activities in all of the programs focus on participation “with” and “together”. The interaction is always empowering for the elders and beneficial to increase learning for youth. Many activities include cultural aspects passed down from generation to generation.
Guantia Spence
Youth and Elder Coordinator
[email protected]
Cell: 204-307-0178
Kendra Brightnose
Youth and Elder Coordinator
[email protected]
Cell: 204-307-0225
Councillor Shirley Linklater
Youth and Elder Portfolio Holder
[email protected]
Phone: 204-670-5998
Lianna F. Anderson
Executive Director of Operations
[email protected]
Cell: 204-307-2919
Work: 204-484-2332
Fax: 204-484-2392