Active Cases
There are currently 4 active cases in the community plus one that is now resolved for a total of 5 cases so far. There are 288 people in isolation in 46 homes. There are 22 more people to swab. All tests that run in the community are then sent to Cadham provincial lab for further testing. All positives are also screened for variants of concern. We hope to have more results on Wednesday. Given the current situation we have no choice but to extend the Stay at Home order until Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 6:00 pm.
If you are told to isolate you MUST do that for the safety of all of us. Please co-operate with members of our public health team if they ask you who you were in contact with. They are asking for the information to try to prevent more people from getting sick and possibly dying. This situation is serious and we need to take steps to limit any further spread. Providing critical information helps our team protect our community.
If you have ANY flu or cold like symptoms, call public health and get tested immediately – DO NOT WAIT even if your symptoms are mild.
The following restrictions will remain in effect until at least Wednesday, May 12th at 6:00 pm. FINES will be issued by the FNSO’s for violations of the OICs and by the RCMP for violations of the isolation requirements under the Manitoba Public Health orders. The restrictions are as follows:
- A strict STAY AT HOME order – this means everyone who has not been designated as essential must stay home unless they are authorized to leave home to get essential supplies;
- All NCN offices will remain closed except for the NCN Government Office, Nursing Station, Wellness Centre public health and nursing services, and EMS but they will be closed to the public except for emergencies;
- ATEC, Arena, the Wellness Centre fitness Centre, the VLT Centre, the Beer Vendor, and home confectionaries remain closed;
- Schools will remain closed until May 17th;
- One person from each household that is not in isolation will be allowed to shop at Three Rivers Store and then must immediately return home. The store will be open daily from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm;
- Distribution Centre for grocery drop offs is at the former Liquor Mart by Fast Gas.
- The Thompson Family Foods employees are doing the shopping for all Purchase Orders and/or prepayments with credit cards after grocery lists are received. The shipping is free and delivered into NCN through the Distribution Centre.
- Employees are available to do shopping for NCN members, please call the Distribution Centre office number at 204-307-0080 with questions.
- The gas station will remain open for gas and essential items, subject to regular public health restrictions but only one person from each household is allowed to purchase gas for cars and trucks – NO gas can be purchased for snowmobiles, ATV, ARGO or motorcycles;
- Funerals are limited to 10 immediate family only plus the officiants and choir – processions will be allowed as long as everyone remains in their vehicles at all times and they must NOT get out at the church – no-one from outside the community will be allowed to attend and the procession will be escorted by the FNSOs;
- Hunting, overnight camping, and harvesting is allowed with prior approval from the Pandemic Response Team;
- Commuters will be allowed into the community with authorization from the Pandemic Response Team
- All trips into or out of the community for medical appointments, and medical emergencies must be approved by the Nurse in Charge;
- Any person who goes to Winnipeg for any reason will be required to isolate for 14 days upon their return to the community – all other persons who leave the community and stay overnight anywhere else will be required to isolate at their residence pending review by the public health team;
- All requests from persons who previously signed themselves out of the community and wish to return are suspended until further notice.
Vaccination Clinics
- Vaccination will continue this week at the Multi-Plex for community residents by appointment or walk-ins but anyone who does not live in the community must make an appointment in advance – call 204-484-2341 or 204-484-2604;
- People who are in isolation must make arrangements with the public health team for their vaccinations.
We know this is all very frustrating particularly for those of us who are following the rules but we have to keep restrictions in place to try to keep our community safe. WE ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO GET VACCINATED NOW.