Attention NCN Citizens!
Due to a nursing shortage, the Nursing Station has advised that they will only be attending to emergencies. This means that all patients, both scheduled appointments and walk-ins, will be triaged and prioritized for care. Non Urgent appointments will be deferred until regular staffing levels are resumed.
Patients can expect longer than usual wait times for services as the Nursing Station must also schedule rest periods for the nurses to ensure safe patient care.
ISC’s First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) and NCN are working diligently and using all resources at its disposal to provide nurses to address the shortage situation, ensure safe care, and continue to, at a minimum, provide emergency services to clients.
Patients that must travel out of the community (Thompson,
Winnipeg or elsewhere) for medical care due to the “emergencies only” status at the Nursing station, may be eligible for reimbursement by Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB). Eligible patients must apply directly and provide back-up documents as may be required.
Please call the nursing station at 204 484 2031 for all emergencies and with any questions or concerns. Please call the NCN Medical Receiving Home (204 786-8661) for assistance if traveling to Winnipeg for care.