February 25, 2022,
On behalf of Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation (NCN) Chief, Council and the Portfolio for Justices and in recognition of Aboriginal Justice Day; the community and leadership honour the memory of J.J. Harper, Helen Betty Osborne as well as other Aboriginal people who were murdered or are missing due to unjust crimes.
To mark the day, NCN has implemented Peacekeeping programs, laws and a tribunal of their own to ensure safety of Citizens in the future. The proactive approach to Justice, ensures many recommendations of the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry are followed.
John Joseph Harper a Canadian Aboriginal Leader from Wasagamack First Nation was killed by Winnipeg Police constable Robert Cross. Helen Betty Osborne, abducted and brutally murdered near The Pas, Manitoba, was a high school student originally from Norway House, Manitoba. Their deaths sparked an Aboriginal Justice Inquiry; however, not all recommendations have been implemented by provincial and federal law enforcement to date.
NCN has taken up the mantle and is proceeding to implement several of the critical recommendations outlined in the inquiry. The NCN Community Protection Law, the Nisi Court with wellness the focus, Peace Making Programs, and new Peacekeepers Tribunal have been officially implemented in NCN.
NCN Chief Marcel Moody says, “NCN is proud to announce that it is no longer just waiting for other levels of government to take action but that these critical initiatives are moving forward on Aboriginal Justice Day.”
NCN is honoured to have the newly appointed Peacekeepers Tribunal: Jimmy Hunter Spence, Carol Prince, Agnes Spence, Curtis McDonald and Justice Linklater.
Special Acknowledgments also go to the previous and current Chief and Council who have set the pathway for our Nation. It is with tremendous gratitude that NCN acknowledges the journey and many great people involved. NCN also thanks the technical team consisting of Joyce Yetman, Bonnie Linklater, Felix Walker, Valerie Mathews Lemiuex and Terry B Linklater for the long hours of work and commitment to the process.
Councillor Jackie Walker, NCN Justice Portfolio Holder
Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation