Message from the Chief and Council
We want to thank everyone who took the time to provide us with feedback on the proposed amendments to the NCN Election Law which were posted on our website on March 23, 2018 and reviewed at a General Assembly in Nelson House on April 25, 2018. We have met several times since the General Assembly to consider the changes proposed by NCN Citizens. Several of the recommendations were interesting, but we have determined that as they were proposed so close to the 2018 elections, we need to obtain further input before they are implemented. We have amended the Election Law to include many of the recommendations we received.
We are also very excited to announce that the Finance Law was approved. This is the first law we have completed solely using the procedures in our own Othasowewin. Developing the Nisichawayasi Finance Law and the amendments to the NCN Election Law using the processes in our Othasowewin has proven to be much more efficient and less costly than using the Indian Act and old INAC policies, yet it still allows us to be responsive to the feedback received from NCN Citizens.
We look forward to your input in relation to the development of Marital Property and Allotment Laws which we will be bringing forward later next month. We are also examining Business Licensing Laws, particularly in relation to our Mystery Lake Lands.
With your assistance we look forward to continuing to assert our sovereignty in positive ways that benefit our Nation.
– Chief and Council, Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation
Please Read the Complete Special Report: it contains information on the Timeline for 2018 Chief and Council Elections as well as a full description of the amendments that were approved based on your recommendations and the ones that have yet to be added but are still under consideration for future amendments.
Please visit the Laws and Governance section of the website for all information on any matters regarding Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation Governance and Laws.