- Respect all staff and checkstop rules.
- Adhere to delivery days on Monday/Wednesday/ Friday between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm.
- Coordinate your drop off & pickup times with the driver coming from Thompson.
- Know that products will not be held for anyone. FNSO are not responsible for any groceries left at the checkstop.
- Be aware that drivers coming from Thompson may be turned away if they have been in contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 or have a family member/roommate waiting for test results or is in isolation.
- Ensure social distancing in vehicles: 4 people per vehicle.
- Ensure all occupants in a vehicle are wearing masks.
- Remain in your vehicle until you are authorized by FNSO staff to exit.
- Practice social distancing – stand 6 feet apart & away from FNSO staff.
- Have your permits ready for any alcohol/cannabis pick ups.
- Any one with outstanding fines will not be permitted to pick up alcohol/cannabis until the fine has been paid.
- FNSO staff will not hold or be responsible for alcohol or cannabis that is not claimed.
- Citizens are responsible for disinfecting their groceries at home.
- No deliveries or exchanges will be made after 8:00 pm.
- Failure to comply with any of the rules will result in having your privileges removed.
Remember above all else, treat everyone with kindness. We are all in this together and everyone is doing there best to accommodate all of the changes in this trying time. Stay well and stay safe!