Memorandum from Chief & Council
Further to the attached Memo from Chief Moody, it has come to Chief and Council’s attention that some people are entering our community who have been out of province and are not abiding by the direction to self-isolate for 14 days (see attached).
The purpose of this letter is to advise that this is a mandatory direction to all NCN Citizens, other residents or visitors who have recently returned to the community from any out of province travel or may have come in contact with anyone who has COVID-19. You MUST immediately self-isolate for 14 days as recommended by the NCN Chief and Council and NCN Health team. In addition, all persons you have come in contact with in the community must now also self-isolate.
It is extremely important to contain this deadly virus from taking hold in our community. So far there is no community spread in Manitoba and the cases are all linked to travel outside the province. The situation is changing very, very rapidly and extreme measures are now in place which would prevent further spread which would devastate our community.
We encourage you to do your part in this war against preventing the virus from taking hold in our community by self-monitoring and self-isolating yourself. You are directed to go to ATEC as ATEC has been designated as a place to self-isolate. Please check in with Vanessa Spence and she will explain the further rules that apply during this period.
If you fail to comply with this directive, then Chief and Council will need to take additional steps against you to protect our community. These could include removal of any benefits, eviction, banishment, or fines including trespassing on NCN Lands. We all have a shared responsibility to keep our family and friends safe so we hope you will now take this issue seriously and do the right thing – isolate immediately and stay isolated for the next 14 days and let everyone you have come in contact with since returning from out of province to do the same.
Everyone must take the risks of this COVID-19 pandemic very seriously. Thank you for your anticipated co-operation.