Your Support is Needed

We Encourage All Businesses and Individuals to Give Generously!

Every Day Some Children and Students Go Through a Full Day of Classes Without Proper Food? Learning is extremely tough on an empty belly and attention spans are shortened. You can help in a huge way! Support the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation’s NNOC and OK Schools’ Breakfast, Lunch and Snack Programs.

Donate Today at NCN Three Rivers Store and OT Gas Station.

If you are off-reserve and would like to make a donation. Please send a send a cheque or money order payable to:

Nisichawayasi Nehetho Culture and Education Authority Inc.
#2 Otetiskiwin Drive
Nelson House, Manitoba
R0B 1A0

Please indicate that it is for the “Feed the Children campaign”. Your donation will be acknowledged in writing via a letter or email (if provided). NNCEA will ensure it is allocated to NNOC and OK Schools’ Breakfast, Lunch and Snack Programs in our schools. Thank you for your generosity.

For more information contact:
Otetiskiwin Kiskinwamahtowekamik School (OK)
(204) 484-2242

Nisichawayasihk Neyo Ohtinwak Collegiate (NNOC)
(204)484-2602 or (204) 484-2201