The recent outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has brought uncertainty and disruptions to our normal routines. We are asking for your understanding and cooperation during this trying time.

Chief and Council are taking action to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19 in all work and public places.  On Thursday, 19th March 2020, a special meeting of a quorum of Chief and Council was held and as a matter of public safety, a motion was passed to close the NCN VLT Lounge affective 10:00 p.m. Thursday, 19th March 2020 until further notice.

Chief and Council’s focus remains on the health and safety of NCN citizens and visitors during these uncertain times.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Chief and Council encourage all our NCN citizens and visitors to help in reducing the risk of COVID-19 infection by following these guidelines:

  • if you are coughing, sneezing, or have a fever, please stay home and rest
  • cough or sneeze into a tissue or the bend of your arm
  • avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands

The protocol for the health and safety measure of the Coronavirus pandemic must be followed by everyone.
