May 24, 2018 — In accordance with subsections 14(7) to 14(8) mail in ballots will be available for any eligible voter who lives more than 50 kilometers from the in person polling locations in Nelson House, Leaf Rapids, Thompson or Winnipeg. Any voter who qualifies for a mail in ballot and wishes to vote by mail must register with the Electoral Officer to request a mail in ballot which will then be mailed out after the ballots are printed following the nomination meeting on July 16, 2018. Registration can take place any time after July 23, 2018, once the election order is posted.

All Mail-In ballots must be received no later than August 21, 2018, to be counted in the Chief & Council election.

Mail-in Ballot Procedures

An Onuwosonekew (voter) will have to register in advance with the Electoral Officer or Deputy Electoral Officer prior to requesting for a Mail-in-Ballot.  To cast a mail in

  • Request in writing that the Electoral Officer provide a Mail-In Ballot;
  • Complete and sign the mail-in ballot registration form # 8
  • Complete and sign the registration form # 8 in the presence of a witness who is at least 18 years of age;
  • Mark the ballot by placing and “X” in one of the box for just one candidate for chief and up to six candidates for councillor.
  • Enclose and seal the ballot for Chief in the secrecy envelop form # 9;
  • Enclose and seal the ballot for Councillor in the secrecy envelop form #10
  • Enclose and seal the secrecy envelops # 9 & 10 in the registration envelop form # 8
  • Place completed mail-in-ballot registration form # 8 and  all sealed envelopes (9 & 10) in the mail in  envelope form # 11 and mail the sealed mailing envelop to the Electoral Officer.



A Mail-in Ballot must be delivered to the Electoral Officer at P.O. Box 821 at the Thompson, Manitoba post office located at 103 Selkirk Avenue, Thompson, Manitoba, R8N 0M5.


A Mail-in Ballot must be received at the Thompson post office no later than the August 21, 2018 as indicated in the election order or your ballots will not be included in the final vote results.


An Onuwosonekew (voter) who inadvertently spoils or loses a Mail-In Ballot may obtain another ballot by immediately  contacting the Electoral Officer who shall note in the poll book “spoiled” or “lost” ballet and then a second Mail-In Ballot will be provided to the Onuwosonekew (voter).


The Electoral Officer, deputy Electoral Officer or a Returning Officer may contact the Onuwosonekew (voter) if a registration envelop is not signed and witnessed in order to allow the Onuwosonekew (voter) to correct the registration, to provide confirmation to the Electoral Officer about the identity of the voter or the witness or that Mail-In Ballot was completed by that voter.

Acceptance or Rejection of Mail-in ballots

The Electoral Officer will make the determination to accept the Mail-In Ballot and the decision of the Electoral Officer is final and binding.


All Mail-In Ballots shall be picked up by the Electoral Officer or Deputy Electoral Officer during the election days and the Electoral Officer or Deputy Electoral Officer shall:

  1. open each envelope and verify whether the mail-in ballot registration form # 8 has been completed;
  2. record in a separate poll book the name of the voter and whether the voter completed the registration form;
  3. place the accompanying secrecy envelop form # 9 in its sealed envelope in the Mail-In Ballot box for Chief;
  4. place the accompanying secrecy envelop form # 10 in its sealed envelope in the Mail-In Ballot box for Councillor;
  5. after all envelopes have been reviewed, lock the ballot boxes for Chief & Councillor and  keep them, in a safe location until election day of  when they shall be opened and counted separately from the in-person ballots cast;
  6. if a registration form has not been provided, place both secrecy envelops # 9 & 10 (ballots) still in its sealed envelope back in the signed envelope and place the envelope in an envelope marked “No Registration With Ballots”;
  7. attempt to reach Onuwosonekew (voters) who sent a Mail-In Ballot but no registration form and if they send a registration form prior to the Election Day their ballot in the sealed envelope shall be placed in a separate Mail-in Ballot box for this purpose;