Friday, February 18th, 2022

  1. Recent NCN Bulletin regarding Lockdown indicates an easing up on the restrictions but all covid guidelines still need to be followed!
  2. The reality is that Covid is here to stay and we have to learn to cope with it.
  3. We can’t close school forever.
  4. At a special school board meeting on Friday, Feb. 18th, 2022 at 12:00 noon, the Board made the following SBMotion # 2022-02-18-03:
    Based on the current covid situation/facts at NCN and other relevant factors from school administration, the NNCEA School Board of Trustees want in class learning for both OK and NNOC to commence for the week of February 21st-25th, 2022 and until further notice.
  5. Please be advised that all Covid safety guidelines or NNCEA Covid Protocols will still be in force at our schools.
  6. Screeners will be put in place. Visitors are to sign in & show their immunization cards.  Proper mask wearing still in effect as well as regular hand sanitizing, social distancing, etc.
  7. NNCEA staff must do rapid testing before coming to work on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Under no circumstances are they to come to work if positive.
  8. Parents/Guardians: If your child has covid like symptoms, please take them to the nursing station to get tested. If child is positive, they will have to isolate as recommended by NCN public health.
  9. If your child has to stay home due to covid, please contact the school Principal(s) so homework packages can be prepared/delivered for your child.
  10. Vaccination rates for 5-11 are still low! Please take your child (ren) for a needle to guard against the spread of the virus & needless suffering!
  11. Kinanskomitan for your patience, understanding and co-operation! Stay safe!