All non-essential medical appointments have now been cancelled and may be rescheduled to occur through telehealth if possible. This possibility will be
reviewed and planned on a case by case basis.
Essential medical appointments including prenatal or those for procedures to address life threatening conditions such as dialysis, surgeries, fractures etc. will still continue to the Thompson General Hospital (TGH). All essential medical appointments going to Thompson, are required to take the medical transportation van. Escorts are planned on a case by case basis.
The Medical transportation driver has a verification list, that confirms who is attending a medial appointment in Thompson. The medical driver reports the names to the FNSOs on departure and return. This process will ensure that all clients and individuals that have to leave the community for medical reasons are always accounted for.
Anyone that requires prescriptions from pharmacies other then Clarke’s Pharmacy are asked to call Vernon Moody @ 204 307 1566 to arrange for pick up.
Medical transportation drivers will make arrangements to pick up the prescription orders from the pharmacy on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays.
This is intended to reduce non-essential travel out of the community at these uncertain times.