NNCEA is excited to announce that we will be implementing our own Mature Student Diploma Program for the 2021-2022 school year. Potential students who are 21 years of age or older are invited to register for our Mature Student Diploma Program. If you are interested, please phone the Alice Moore Education Centre at 204-484-2095 or come to the Alice Moore Education Centre to register.

Start Date: September 13, 2021

Term 1:

30S Grade 11 English

30S Grade 11 Mathematics

40S First Nations Studies

40S Lifework

Term 2:

40S Mathematics

40S English



Electives include: Auto mechanics, Woodworking, Cosmetology (Hairstyling), Foods and Nutrition, Work Placement, and more.

Please note this program will begin at our current NNOC location and will transfer to our new NNOC building October 9, 2021 where we will be able to offer our new programs and electives.

For more information, please phone the Alice Moore Education Centre at 204-484-2095