By: Chief Angela Levasseur, Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation

On behalf of the leadership and citizens of the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation, we offer our deepest condolences and send prayers to everyone that knew AMC Grand Chief Cathy Merrick and loved her. We extend sincere condolences and prayers to her husband, children, grandchildren and entire family. We stand with you in our collective grief and in solidarity, while we walk with hearts that are broken.

AMC Grand Chief Cathy Merrick was a very powerful Ininiw Okimaw Iskwe.

Her voice was like thunder and she used it to inspire and empower young First Nations women and to support other First Nations leaders. Her fire and her thunder amplified the voices of every female Chief in Manitoba, Canada, and across Turtle Island. Grand Chief Merrick elevated female leaders with her mere presence and existence. Grand Chief Cathy Merrick loved her fellow Chiefs and Grand Chiefs and we loved her too. Grand Chief also loved, valued and appreciated her staff at AMC and often spoke highly of them and praised their hard work.

Above all, Grand Chief loved her husband Todd, their children and grandchildren. She loved her family immeasurably and with all her heart. Grand Chief loved all of her relatives and her community of Pimicikamak Cree Nation. Every second and every minute that Grand Chief Cathy Merrick was away from her family she missed them, loved them, and thought of them. And even as she fought tirelessly and relentlessly to advocate for our First Nations, she longed to be with them.

We will never ever be able to repay her for the sacrifices that our Grand Chief made in service to our people and our Chiefs. Grand Chief Cathy Merrick walked with our ancestors and you could feel their power in every step she took and in each word she spoke.

Grand Chief Merrick descended from a long line of matriarchs and carried their hopes, dreams, and their power in her blood and that power coursed through her veins each day- giving her the strength to lead our Manitoba First Nations. Grand Chief spoke truth to power at every turn- and she never hesitated to say what needed to be said.

Grand Chief affirmed the dignity of our Nations and staunchly rejected false notions of ethnocentrism and racial superiority from mainstream society and governments. Grand Chief upheld the humanity and the sacredness of First Nations lives and made sure that the world knew that Every Child Matters and that every First Nations life matters!

Grand Chief never took no for an answer and commanded respect for our Nations . She fought hard for our land and waters and it meant everything.

Grand Chief felt the pain of our daughters whose mothers were stolen from them and fought to restore justice to our families and nations. Grand Chief fought hard to restore the sacredness of our women, our life givers.

And Grand Chief respected and loved our Elders like no other. She relied on their knowledge, wisdom and guidance to lead in a good way. And no one could ever disrespect or harm or kill our people without feeling her fire. She loved, respected and protected us all.

We will all miss her kind, warm, and loving energy, that amazing smile and wonderful laughter.

Finally, as Niigaan said; Grand Chief Cathy Merrick fought for others with her last breath. Grand Chief Cathy Merrick fought for First Nations with total conviction and unbelievable passion. She was a true warrior and a brave and fierce leader who refused to back down and would never lower her voice. Grand Chief Cathy Merrick would never surrender and we will never surrender!

Even when her heart is returned to Mother Earth, Grand Chief’s fire will continue to burn brightly forever and ever.
We love, honour and cherish you, Grand Chief Cathy Merrick , and we will not let you down.

Ekosi, Kitam kikawapamitin Grand Chief- Kisahkitin Kapi Kapi
Chief Angela Levasseur
Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation