Tansi! We now have 39 cases in Manitoba including the province’s first death – 31 of the cases are in Winnipeg. We continue to have no cases in northern Manitoba. We don’t know yet if the cases are all still travel related or if there is community spread.

Further Restrictions

  1. The Chief Medical Officer for Manitoba has imposed further restrictions on public gatherings to try to stop the spread. Effective midnight Sunday allowable public gatherings will be reduced from 50 to 10. To safeguard our community and to continue to try to keep the virus out, Chief and Council have amended our State of Emergency Order as follows:
    • As of midnight Sunday March 29, 2020 public gatherings will be limited to no more than 10 people at any indoor or outdoor place or premises including places of worship, gatherings and family events such as weddings and funerals, ceremonies and sweats unless special written authorization is obtained from Chief and Council following consultation with the NCN Health Director or her designate;
    • Visiting private residences within the community is prohibited unless special written authorization is obtained from Chief and Council following consultation with the NCN Health Director;
    • A curfew will be in effect from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am until further notice;
    • Any person currently in the community who wishes to leave shall be allowed to do so upon signing an acknowledgement that NCN will no longer have any responsibility to make arrangements for, or provide any services to that person during the State of Emergency;
    • Any person who indicates in writing that they wish to leave the community or has refused to return to the community will not be allowed back into the community during the State of Emergency unless special written authorization is obtained from Chief and Council following consultation with the NCN Health Director or her designate;
    • All persons are prohibited from travelling to and from Nelson House to their traditional camps by snowmobile or otherwise;
    • Any person travelling to their camps by snowmobile or otherwise will not be allowed to return to the community until the State of Emergency is lifted unless special written authorization is obtained from Chief and Council following consultation with the NCN Health Director;
    • Patrols of all trails into and out of the community including searches of vehicles and other personal property will be implemented;
    • The NCN Communicable Disease Emergency Plan updated in February 2020 shall continue to be followed during this coronavirus ( COVID-19) pandemic.
  2. This Order applies to all individuals and businesses on NCN Lands excluding the Mystery Lake Lands which are subject to separate requirements.
  3. Failure to comply with this order constitutes an offence and may result in evictions, banishments, fines of up to $5,000.00, removal of benefits or other penalties.
  4. All other provisions in NCN OIC 313-2020-4 remain in full force and effect.
  5. This Order will be reviewed at least weekly while it remains in effect and may be modified, revoked, or extended.

I want to thank everyone for doing their part. Remember we need everyone, and I mean everyone to work together to help us keep our community safe. So far we are succeeding so let’s keep it that way.

If you have questions, call one of the numbers we have made available or fill in the online form and we will try to post another set of questions and answers.

COVID-19 related phone numbers are (204) 679-0179 and (204) 679-0279