I want to advise you that we know an NCN member who resides in Thompson has tested positive for COVID-19. The person is currently in isolation. To the best of our knowledge the person has not been in our community recently but contact tracing is underway.
The YWCA in Thompson has been elevated to a critical red level which means they are restricting visitors. However, this means we must continue to be very diligent in following all public health guidelines and really think about restricting travel even to Thompson.
Again, I want to assure you that our NCN Health Team along with our Public Safety staff are on top of the issues. We have a Pandemic Plan in place and we are following it. It is very important that everyone stay calm and not over-react to any of this information. I want to acknowledge that we understand the anxiety everyone is naturally feeling, but I also want to reassure everyone that we are managing well and hope to keep the virus out of the community as long as possible.
To do this, we continue to need your help. The most important thing all of us can do to help each other is to LIMIT OUR CONTACTS. This also means, do not pick people up on the highway as you do not know if they have COVID-19 symptoms or have been in contact with someone who has COVID-19. While I know this is not our way, for now we must exercise extreme caution.
Given the increase in cases, it is more critical than ever that everyone STAY VERY CLOSE TO HOME. I want to again ask you to please:
- stock up on essential supplies;
- limit your contacts to your own household;
- wash your hands with soap and water frequently;
- wear a mask when you are not at home or if anyone does visit (which we discourage at the moment);
- sanitize your house and vehicle regularly;
- DO NOT SHARE UNVERIFIED, POTENTIAL MISINFORMATION ON SOCIAL MEDIA – we will continue to provide you with as accurate information as we can as quickly as we can.
- Continue to be kind, supportive and respectful of each other as no-one intentionally sets out to get this disease and individual health information must remain confidential.
Public health officials all across Canada are telling us we must STAY HOME to STAY SAFE! NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO LEAVE THE COMMUNITY FOR ANY REASON. Given the rapidly increasing numbers we may need to extend our partial lockdown for at least another week to help limit contacts.
We know that limiting contacts is the way that we will be able to reduce the number of active cases in Manitoba and across the country. As I have said many times over the past 8 months, we are ALL in this together. IN REALITY, WE MUSTALL THINK OF OURSELVES AS FRONTLINE WORKERS WITH A DUTY TO RESPOND TO THIS CALL TO ACTION in order to protect our families and our community.
If you have any questions or concerns please call the COVID 19 on call lines at (204) 679-0179 or (204) 679-0279. Ekosani!