
Christmas holidays

  • Last Christmas the virus brought us a lockdown. This Christmas let’s do what is necessary so we can gather with our families and friends.
  • As Christmas is less than two weeks away, I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that this PANDEMIC IS NOT OVER.
  • By working together our community has had the lowest number of COVID cases in northern Manitoba. We need to get through this holiday season and the winter safely. Hopefully sometime in the new year more of the restrictions can be removed.
  • But for now, please plan very carefully for the holidays. Limit your gatherings and ensure everyone who attends is vaccinated if they are 5 or older. Keep wearing your mask.
  • The virus is continuing to rise in parts of Manitoba including several northern communities. A disturbing trend is the number of fully vaccinated people who are getting the virus through exposure to unvaccinated people.
  • The Omicron variant is in Manitoba and it appears to spread even more easily than the delta variant. We don’t know yet if it causes more severe disease.

Vaccination Critical to Stop the Spread

  • When a lot of people in a community have been vaccinated the (virus) has a hard time spreading because most of the people the virus tries to attack are immune. The more people are vaccinated, the less likely people who are unable to be protected by vaccines are at risk of even being exposed to this harmful virus and its various mutations.
  • The most recent study issued Friday indicates that the vaccines lose some of their effectiveness in relation to Omicron so get your booster shot as soon as possible.
  • When a lot of people in a community have been vaccinated the virus has a hard time circulating/spreading because most of the people it tries to attack are immune. The more people get vaccinated, the less likely children or others who are unable to get vaccinated will at risk of even being exposed to harmful pathogens.
  • Getting vaccinated could save your life as vaccination is one of our best lines of defence!
  • Please get our children/students vaccinated as there are in large group settings daily. If your kids 5 and older are not vaccinated make an appointment today.
  • The good news is that even two doses of the mRNA vaccines provide very good protection against severe illness and hospitalization.

Follow Public Health Measures Consistently

  • We must ALL continue to be very, very careful.
  • In addition to vaccination, wearing a mask, limiting contacts, washing hands, sanitizing and following the OIC rules are the best ways to protect our children and each other.
  • Clean high-touch surfaces regularly and after you have visitors in your home. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets and sinks as well as your vehicle door handles and steering wheel.

Overview OIC 313-2021-12

Below is a chart showing different activities and what fully vaccinated and unvaccinated/not fully vaccinated people/families are being asked to do to help prevent the spread of Covid-19.

OIC Activity Chart for Vaccinated and Unvaccinated

All provisions in the OIC remain in effect. The rules need to be followed by everyone to ensure the ongoing safety of our community, particularly our children, some of who are still not eligible to be vaccinated.

If you have any questions, our staff will continue to try to respond to your questions as quickly as possible. Be patient and kind as we are all trying to keep the community safe and to avoid further lockdowns this winter as we spend more time inside. Be careful so we can all have a great Christmas.
