The new Order in Council 313-2021-9 contains a number of changes which are highlighted in this Bulletin. Please refer to the OIC if you have any questions.

Fully Vaccinated NCN Citizens and Employees

  • NCN Citizens/Residents (including their immediate families) and employees of NCN Entities and NCN government who are fully vaccinated and provide proof of vaccination can do the following:
    ➢ Travel within Canada without prior authorization or being required to isolate upon their return to the community as long as they do not have any COVID-19 symptoms;
    ➢ Attend activities/events in the community;
    ➢ Work in the community including attending meetings;
    ➢ Visit other fully vaccinated people
    ➢ Stay overnight in the community with other fully vaccinated persons.
  • Children under the age of 12 who are not currently eligible for a COVID-19 vaccination can engage in the above activities as long as everyone else they are with is fully vaccinated.
  • Persons who are not able to be vaccinated for medical reasons can provide written confirmation from a doctor or nurse practitioner and a determination will then be made about whether participation in such activities is safe for the person and the community.

Partially Vaccinated/Unvaccinated NCN Citizens and Employees

  • NCN Citizens and their families and employees of NCN Entities and NCN who are not fully vaccinated:
    ➢ Are not authorized to travel to southern Manitoba or anywhere else in Canada;
    ➢ Must continue to obtain authorization from the Executive Director of Justice and Public Safety prior entry or exit from NCN Lands;
    ➢ May only apply to go to Thompson to shop twice a week;
    ➢ Are not allowed to participate in activities or events in the community;
    ➢ Must isolate and be assessed by the health team upon return to the community if they are authorized to leave;
    ➢ Are not allowed to visit other persons in the community;
    ➢ Must continue to obtain a special entry pass to work in the community unless they have a valid medical reason for not getting a COVID-19 vaccination;
    ➢ Must not attend meetings with other employees in the community or elsewhere.
    All other OIC provisions previously outlined remain in effect.

Proof of Vaccination

  • A fully vaccinated person means all eligible persons 12 and over who have received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine approved by Health Canada and it is at least 14 days since the second dose was received.
  • Proof of vaccination is required at the checkstop – a valid vaccine certificate issued by NCN or the Province of Manitoba must be provided.

Vaccination Clinics Continue

  • Please get vaccinated as soon as possible to protect yourself, your loved ones and our community. We need to continue to increase our vaccination rates particularly among our youth ages 12 to 17.
  • The sooner we are all vaccinated, the sooner we can loosen more restrictions.
  • Please call the Public Health department at the Family and Community Wellness Centre – 204-484-2341 – for more details.

Public Health Orders

  • Please note that Public Health Order restrictions applicable elsewhere in Manitoba or Canada will apply while you are there so check to ensure you know the differences.
  • Rules in Manitoba’s Public Health Orders vary depending upon whether a person is fully vaccinated or not.

If you have any questions, our staff will continue to try to respond to your questions as quickly as possible. Be patient and kind as we are all trying to keep the community safe as this pandemic is still not over.

Follow all the public health measures related to distancing, mask wearing, hand washing, sanitizing and limiting contacts to fully vaccinated people to the maximum extent possible.
