May 5, 2021
Another Active Cases
There is another active case in the community. A second child has been confirmed positive and we are waiting for test results for a third child. Contact tracing is underway for the new case and is continuing in relation to the additional case. We still do not know at this time if one of the variants of concern are involved.
We are starting to see community spread so if you are told to isolate you need to for the safety of all of us. If you have ANY flu or cold like symptoms, call public health and get tested immediately – DO NOT WAIT even if your symptoms are mild.
In accordance with paragraph 32 of OIC 313-2021-6, the following restrictions are back in effect immediately:
- A strict STAY AT HOME order for at least 48 hours to allow contact tracing to take place;
- All NCN offices will be closed to the general public except for the Nursing Station, Wellness Centre public health and nursing services, and EMS;
- ATEC, Arena, the Wellness Centre fitness Centre, the VLT Centre, the Beer Vendor, the Thompson Distribution Centre and home confectionaries are closed for the next 48 hours until Friday, May 7th at 6:00 pm;
- Schools will remain closed until May 17th;
- Three Rivers Store will be closed tomorrow for sanitization, cleansing and contact tracing (Thursday May 6th) – the store will re-open at 9:30 am on Friday but only one person from each household will be allowed to shop if essential;
- The gas station will remain open for gas and essential items, subject to regular public health restrictions but only one person from each household is allowed to purchase gas for cars and trucks – NO gas can be purchased for snowmobiles, ATV, ARGO or motorcycles;
- Funerals are limited to immediate family only – processions will be allowed as long as everyone remains in their vehicles at all times and they must NOT get out at the church – no-one from outside the community will be allowed to attend and the procession will be escorted by the FNSOs;
- Hunting, camping, and harvesting are prohibited during the 48 hour STAY AT HOME;
- Income assistance will continue on Friday, May 7th at the Arena from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm;
- No commuters will be allowed into the community with the exception of members of the public health team;
- No trips into or out of the community will be approved until further notice except for medical appointments or medical emergencies approved by the Nurse in Charge or designate;
- All persons who left the community overnight except authorized campers will be required to isolate at their residence pending review by the public health team – EVERYONE WHO IS TOLD TO ISOLATE MUST ISOLATE UNTIL PUBLIC HEALTH TELLS THEM THEY DO NOT NEED TO ISOLATE. THIS IS CRITICAL TO PREVENT COMMUNITY SPREAD.
- All requests from persons who previously signed themselves out of the community and wish to return are suspended until further notice.
Additional information will be provided as soon as contact tracing takes place. In the meantime, it is critical that everyone follow the rules and STAY HOME to give the health team a chance to get a handle on the extent of the issue. 3
Vaccination Clinics
- Mass Vaccination Clinics will continue at the Multi-Plex this week for those who are not in isolation but transportation must be arranged in advance – call 204-484-2341 or 204-484-2604;
- The variants are more transmissible, cause more serious illness and are affecting younger people compared to the first two waves of the pandemic;
- Vaccination has proven to be effective in helping to minimize the negative impacts of COVID-19;
- Everyone is encouraged to get vaccinated next week as Chief and Council, like other levels of government federally, provincially and internationally, are considering what rights vaccinated people will have compared to those who refuse to get vaccinated.
- This could affect your ability to travel, visit, work for NCN and other related issues.
Vaccinated as soon as possible. Mass Immunization clinic is going on all week, please get your vaccine.
We have to protect our children as there is no vaccine at this time for children, please stop by at the vaccine clinic or call the public health dept for any questions or concerns.
We know this is all very frustrating so we encourage everyone to get vaccinated so that hopefully we can have some return to normal this summer. In the meantime, be kind and caring to everyone as we are all trying our best to keep our community safe.