April 12, 2021
Active Case Situation
- 21 of the 22 COVID tests are negative and these people are no longer in isolation;
- 1 test was rejected and is being redone;
- 4 more people are being tested today, 1 tomorrow and 5 on April 21 – these 10 people must remain in isolation.
Pandemic Fatigue
- This pandemic has been hard on everyone but we can be proud of our community’s achievement – only 7 active cases so far;
- Although we acknowledge a number of our Citizens living outside our homeland have suffered from COVID-19, we remain grateful that so far no-one has passed away from Covid-19.
- We all need to remain optimistic and continue to demonstrate that we are NCN Strong – a healthy, vibrant and resilient community;
- We need to empower each other by acting responsibly and caring at all times so we can get to the end of this pandemic.
- Be CAREFUL AT ALL TIMES – assume everyone you are in contact with might have COVID;
- The most recent situation demonstrates the importance of contact tracing which is why we must continue to collect information about where people go and who they are in contact with – it is not to control people but for the health and safety of everyone.
- 75% to 80% of the population must be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity from COVID-19 based on the most recent research;
- NCN’s adult population in the community is approximately 2120 people – the number is much higher when all our Citizens from Thompson, Leaf Rapids, South Indian Lake and Winnipeg are included;
- 1288 vaccines administered as of today (191 received 1st & 2nd dose and 1016 received 1st dose for a total of 1204 people vaccinated);
- About 52% of the adult population in the community have been vaccinated;
- The break-down of those vaccinated by age and area is not yet available;
- As of this morning we had 630 doses of the vaccine still available;
- Any doses that are not used soon will be redirected to another community given the short supply of vaccines;
- Once enough people are vaccinated we will all have more freedoms – right now it takes time to build up immunity and at least 75% of the population to get vaccinated to get that immunity;
- History shows that diseases like smallpox and polio can be eradicated when enough people get vaccinated.
We have an obligation to protect our children from COVID-19 by getting vaccinated. Please go to the Multi-Plex on TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY FROM 1 TO 8 pm.
OIC-313-2021-5 Remains in Effect
The provisions in effect before the most recent lockdown are now back in effect unless there is another active case in which case the STAY-AT-HOME order will go back into effect for at least 48 hours:
- All NCN Offices and facilities including ATEC, the Multi-Plex, Arena, Wellness
- Centre Fitness Centre, the VLT Centre and Schools are now open;
- Three Rivers Store will be at 40% capacity;
- Confectionaries can open;
- Wakes, Funerals, Weddings, Regular Church services and ceremonies are limited to 25% of capacity or 100 people, whichever is less;
- Visiting within the community will be allowed but sleepovers are discouraged – during visits it is important to always wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, sanitize, don’t share utensils, drinks or cigarettes and maintain physical distance
- Commuters can return to work in accordance with any required mitigation plans;
- Approvals will be granted for trips to Thompson for each household once a week to a maximum of 40 vehicles a day;
- Approvals for requests to go camping will resume;
- Requests to return to the community from persons who previously signed themselves out can resume.
Beer Vendor
- The Beer Vendor will be open 6 days a week (Closed on Sundays) BUT instead of daily purchases being allowed, each person with a valid permit will be entitled to purchase up to 24 cans of beer TWICE a week;
- These changes are being made on a trial basis to try to mitigate the violence and tremendous strain on our services providers at the nursing station, ambulance, FNSOs and RCMP as a result of the violence.
Follow All Public Health Measures
Even after you are vaccinated follow the public health guidelines:
- Wear a good fitting mask around anyone who is not from your household;
- Maintain physical distance from those who are not part of your household;
- Limit your contacts at all times;
- Get tested immediately if you have any flu or cold symptoms;
- Do not share drinks, cigarettes, cannabis, makeup or anything else (we also currently have meningitis circulating so this is critical)
Get Tested Even with Mild Symptoms
If you develop even mild cold or flu symptoms or if someone in your house has symptoms, GET TESTED IMMEDIATELY. Any of the following symptoms could mean you have COVID:
- fever / chills
- cough
- sore throat / hoarse voice
- shortness of breath
- loss of taste or smell
- vomiting or diarrhea for more than 24 hours
- runny nose