March 3, 2021
Thank you to all who participated in our online survey about easing restrictions so our community can go for supplies. Throughout the pandemic we have been trying to keep our community as safe as possible. As the number of active cases of COVID-19 in northern Manitoba, particularly Thompson have begun to fall, Chief and Council have decided to allow shopping in Thompson on a TRIAL BASIS.
We have gone almost a year with virtually no cases in our community and we want to keep it that way. This means ALL of the rules we have put in place must be carefully followed as all it takes is one person to put our whole community at risk. We have already had a few close calls so we remind everyone that with freedoms come responsibility so please be responsible so we can all continue to enjoy some more freedom.
In addition, to letting people go to Thompson to shop on a TRIAL BASIS, our VLT Centre and Beer Store will be open in the community. The VLT Centre will be open daily from 11:00 am to 10:00 pm starting this Friday, March 5th. The Beer Store will also be open daily from 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm as soon as the stock arrives this weekend. We hope to be finally open by Monday, March 8th. But as the pandemic is far from over, the State of Emergency has been extended again to Friday, April 2, 2021 and certain restrictions will remain in place (see OIC-313-2021-3 and this Bulletin for more details).
Shopping Rules
- Households must pair up to go to Thompson for supplies – 4 people, two from each household will be allowed to go in each vehicle;
- The driver of the vehicle must complete forms and submit them to the Trust Office no later than 4:30 pm each day;
- Each driver who submits forms will be assigned a number and their number will be put in sealed container in the order the application forms are received;
- A random draw of a maximum of 25 numbers will be held to determine who can shop on each authorized shopping day;
- The list of who can shop on each authorized day will be posted at the Trust Office and the NCN Government Office;
- Everyone who leaves the community to shop will only be allowed 6 hours to drive to Thompson, shop and return to the community;
- Each person who leaves the community to shop must maintain a complete list of every store they go to and the time they entered and exited that store and who they were in contact with in the store (store clerk, checkout, etc.);
- We will try to give each household a chance to shop once this month and this may be expanded to twice a month IF THE INITIAL TRIAL WORKS OUT – please have patience as there are almost 600 households in our community and we are trying to be fair to everyone;
- FINES will be imposed for breach of any of the rules in the OIC or as outlined in this Bulletin or the Authorization Forms – the Province or City of Thompson may also impose separate FINES for violation of their rules.
- Anyone who has an outstanding fine must either pay it or make alternate community service arrangements before they request an authorization to go shopping or they will NOT be allowed to bring alcohol or cannabis back into the community.
Offices, Stores and Facilities
- Multi-Plex, Arena and Wellness Gym will all be open based on their capacities;
- Three Rivers Store will be open during its regular hours but is limited to 40 people at a time;
- Gas Station will be open from 8:30 am to 10:00 pm;
- All NCN and NCN Entity Offices will be open to the public by appointment only;
- ATEC classes will resume;
- Schools will be open in accordance with mitigation plans;
- Confectionaries/Home based businesses can re-open but are limited to one person at a time and mask wearing remains mandatory;
- Food sales will be permitted as long as masks, physical distancing and no contact sales are followed.
Alcohol and Cannabis
- Deliveries of Alcohol and Cannabis to the check stop are not allowed at this time but purchases can be made in Thompson and the limits allowed under the Community Protection Law can be brought back to the community unless a person has not paid a previous fine or made alternate community service arrangements.
- The Beer Store will be open seven days a week from 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm;
- Mail deliveries of Alcohol and Cannabis that are legally permissible will be allowed.
Visiting, Camping, Recreational Activities and Curfew
- Households can either choose to designate two people from two different households to visit their home OR they can designate a second household so the two households can visit each other;
- Outside gatherings of ten people are allowed;
- Bingos require a mitigation plan approved by the NCN Health Director or designate;
- Ice Fishing is allowed but only household members can be inside each ice shack;
- All camping requests must be approved by the Executive Director of Justice and Public Safety or designate;
- Curfew will be in effect from 11:00 pm until 7:00 am.
Church Services and Sweats
- Church services and Sweat Lodges are limited to 25% capacity or 100 people whichever is less.
Medical Appointments, Work-Related Travel and Vehicle Maintenance
- Medical appointments must be approved by the Nurse in Charge;
- Vehicle maintenance appointments must be approved by the Executive Director of Justice and Public Safety or designate in advance (warranty documents and other information must be presented for approval);
- Upon re-entry to the community, all persons will be required to self-monitor or isolate as directed by the NCN Health Director or designate – during isolation no-one is allowed visitors or to leave their designated isolation location as this is critical to prevent any potential community spread of the virus
Our community continues to avoid widespread illness by working together. As leaders we remain very thankful the majority of our citizens are following the rules we have put in place for the health and safety of us all. Unfortunately, we have to get through the rest of this year before things will become more normal again. We appreciate your continued support.