Read the August/September 2020 issue of Achimowina – NCN’s community, government, business, arts and events news.

Featured Story

Hunters: Responsible Moose Harvest

In 2015, The Wildlife Society declared that Manitoba’s moose population was about 20,000. That’s less than half of what it once was. Many experts suggest that number is even lower now.

There are many reasons for this decline in population. Diseases like bovine tuberculosis and chronic wasting disease are increasing, as are winter tick and brain worm, which
is fatal for moose.

Their habitat is under threat too, losing land base to development, increased roads, more traffic and more recreational vehicles off-roading.

But many Elders, locals and officials say the real problem is non-traditional hunting methods and poor harvesting practices.

“It’s up to every one of us to ensure there will always be a moose population to enjoy,” Councillor Ron D. Spence says. “The moose hunt was an essential part of survival for generations past, and it’s an important tradition for us now. We have to make sure it is available for our future generations, too.”

It is important to take only what we need and to share the bounty of the hunt with others to ensure nothing is wasted. Killing for sport is not a concept our ancestors would appreciate, nor will
our children and grandchildren. It is important to use safe, proper techniques to ensure the preservation of the herds. If you have friends or family who invite you to hunt at night, use spotlighting, kill cows or calves, or bag more than can be used, you have a responsibility to speak up. All NCN Citizens are responsible for proper moose conservation and management.

“It is disrespectful to our ancestors, to the land, and to the Creator when we waste these precious animals. It is not the Nehetho way,” says Spence. “Please remember that cows produce the herds.
If you take the cow, you’re affecting the moose population for decades into the future. Take only what you need, make a quick clean kill, and above all, stay safe.”

How to Protect the Moose Population

  • don’t kill moose cows
  • don’t kill for sport
  • don’t take more than you need
  • ask an Elder for guidance and wisdom
  • use all parts of the animal
  • butcher without waste
  • learn how to prepare moose meat
  • report poor hunting techniques
  • teach children proper hunting skills

Read the Newsletter for the complete story.


Chief Moody addresses issues regarding safe travel due to Covid-19.


  • Notice of NCN School Zone 30km/hr Speed Limits
  • NCN’s Bluesky and Kobliski Run for Thompson City Councillor
  • COVID-19 Screening Tool for Entry into the Community
  • NCN Wellness: The Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP)
  • NCN Wellness: The Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative (ADI)
  • Bootlegged Booze Seized, 11 Fined
  • NCN Wellness: Wecihitowin Project
  • NCN Wellness: Family Therapy Services
  • NCN Public Works Strives to Improve Services for Citizen’s
  • Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation Chief and Council are pleased to announce the new initiative called Community Land Use Planning
  • NCN Sports League Summer Winners
  • Ok School Adjusts to Covid-19 Planning
  • NNCEA School Board Meeting Dates for 2020-21
  • School Sensory Room Set to Help Children
  • NCN Citizen Vern Anderson Recognized by Manitoba’s Lieutenant Governor
  • Know Your NCN: NCN Parks and Recreation & Nisichawayasihk Trust Office
  • Sundance Brings Healing and Health to NCN Community
  • Public Notice – NCN Social Media Policy

Read the August/September 2020 issue of Achimowina