March 25, 2021
Good evening NCN,
The vaccine is our ticket out of this pandemic. We will be able to have more freedom once we reach “herd immunity”. This means at least 70% to 80% of Manitobans must get vaccinated.
The vaccines have been approved by Health Canada following review by many doctors and scientists with expertise in vaccines. The vaccines are safe and effective just like all the other vaccines we already take to prevent things like smallpox, polio, diptheria, etc.
We have received close to 1600 doses of the Moderna vaccine. If we do not use them, they will be taken to another community. In the past two days close to 200 of our people have been vaccinated.
We strongly encourage every person who is 18 and over to get the vaccine. We do not want to be the only community that has to remain in lockdown because people are fearful about this vaccine. The benefits of protecting all of us from COVID-19 far outweigh any risks.
Please do not listen to inaccurate, misinformation. Get the vaccine to protect yourself, your loved ones and our community. Everyone who gets vaccinated will have their name entered into a draw for some really good prizes.